Country Name - AfghanistanAfghanistan flag

Head of stateAshraf Ghani Ahmadzai
Capital CityKabul
Official LanguageDari Persian, Pashtu (both official), other Turkic and minor languages
GDP (PPP) 2013 Estimate ($ billions)58.77
Population 201229,824,536
Ease of Doing Business Rank 2014164
Scientific ranking 2014155
HDI ranking 2013169
Trade StatisticsClick here
Visitor Health InformationClick here
Ambassador to the UKVacant
Embassy DetailsEmbassy of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
Embassy Address31 Prince's Gate, Exhibition Road, London SW7 1QQ
Telephone020 3609 8021
Data Sources: GDP - IMF World Economic Outlook Database (Oct 2013), Population data - World Bank, Ease of Doing Business Rankings - World Bank, Scientific Rankings - SCImago Journal Rank, HDI Rankings - United Nations

Afghanistan is a landlocked and mountainous country in Central Asia resting on the Eurasian Tectonic Plate and bordered by six other countries. The country is the 41st largest in the world in size with an arid to semi-arid climate.

The Hindu Kush mountains, running northeast to southwest across the country, divide it into three major regions:

  • The Central Highlands, forming part of the Himalayas and accounting for roughly two thirds of the country's area
  • The Southwestern Plateau, which accounts for a quarter of the land
  • The Northern Plains, which contain the country's most fertile soil

Afghanistan is a country rich in natural resources including natural gas, petroleum, coal, copper, uranium, gold, silver, and precious and semi-precious stones.