Country Name - ChinaChina flag

Head of statePresident Xi Jinping
Capital CityBeijing
Official Language Standard Chinese (Mandarin/Putonghua), Yue (Cantonese), Wu (Shanghaiese), Minbei (Fuzhou), Minnan (Hokkien-Taiwanese), Xiang, Gan, Hakka dialects, minority languages
GDP (PPP) 2013 Estimate ($ billions)16149.09
Population 20121,350,695,000
Ease of Doing Business Rank 201496
Scientific ranking 20142
HDI ranking 201391
Visitor Health InformationClick here
Ambassador to the UKH.E. Mr Liu Xiaoming
Embassy DetailsEmbassy of the People's Republic of China
Embassy Address49-51 Portland Place, London, W1B 1JL
Telephone020 7299 4049
Data Sources: GDP - IMF World Economic Outlook Database (Oct 2013), Population data - World Bank, Ease of Doing Business Rankings - World Bank, Scientific Rankings - SCImago Journal Rank, HDI Rankings - United Nations

China is the fourth largest country in the world and borders 14 other sovereign states including eight New Silk Road countries. The diverse topography of China reflects its size, from snow-capped mountains, deep river valleys and broad basins to high plateaus, rolling plains and volcanic calderas. In general, the land is high in the west and descends to the east coast.

Due to its vast size the climate of China varies by region . The northeast experiences hot, dry summers and freezing winters. The north and central regions experience regular rain fall coupled with hot summers and cold winters. In the southeast semi-tropical summers are the norm with cool winters.

China is a country rich in natural resources including coal, iron ore, petroleum, natural gas and uranium. It also has the potential to become the world's largest resource of hydro power.