Country Name - PakistanPakistan flag

Head of statePresident Mamnoon Hussain
Capital CityIslamabad
Official LanguageUrdu 8%, English (both official); Punjabi 48%, Sindhi 12%, Siraiki (a Punjabi variant) 10%, Pashtu 8%, Balochi 3%, Hindko 2%, Brahui 1%, Burushaski, and others 8%
GDP (PPP) 2013 Estimate ($ billions)835.08
Population 2012179,160,111
Ease of Doing Business Rank 2014110
Scientific ranking 201443
HDI ranking 2013146
Visitor Health InformationClick here
Ambassador to the UKH.E. Mr Syed Ibne Abbas
Embassy DetailsHigh Commission for the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Embassy Address34 - 36 Lowndes Square, London, SW1X 9JN
Telephone020 7644 9274
Data Sources: GDP - IMF World Economic Outlook Database (Oct 2013), Population data - World Bank, Ease of Doing Business Rankings - World Bank, Scientific Rankings - SCImago Journal Rank, HDI Rankings - United Nations

Pakistan straddles the meeting point of the Indian and Eurasian tectonic plates. It shares borders with Afghanistan, China, India and Iran and has a coastal shore to the south with the Arabian Sea.

Pakistan is broadly divided into three major geographic areas:

  • Northern Highlands, including parts of the Hindu Kush
  • Indus River alluvial plain
  • Mountainous Balochista Plateau.

The climate of Pakistan varies from tropical to temperate. To the south, the country experiences a monsoon season whilst the mountainous region to the north experiences extreme cold for most of the year.

Pakistan has extensive natural gas reserves and some petroleum oil reserves. It has large deposits of rock salt and other mineral reserves including limestone, iron ore and copper.